Saturday, March 19, 2011

Soccer-Toure Used Wife's Weight Loss Product

                                       Failed Drug Test

Browsing through the news, related to weight loss to see what’s new and what people are dealing with when it comes to weight loss, I came over one article By: Mitch Phillips about a soccer player from London-Manchester City defender Kolo Tour's failed drug test it was a result of him using his wife's weight lose product which got my attention. It was a very unfortunate situation that the player which was trying to keep his weight under control ends up as a dope user suspect, because it seems that it contained pretty powerful amount of chemicals which it showed to be to the level of strength as a dope. Actually not just a suspect but accused as being taking purposely with the intention of enhancing his performance as a player. The Association reevaluation was needed which after same research concluded that it was unintentional.
People feel that what works for somebody else it's going to work for them too. This is what’s happening to so many people which are looking for a way to lose weight, but are just taking a chance with whatever it sounds that may do it, without realizing that it's there body they are playing with. I believe that our body deserves a little more educated decision of what we feed it with, if we are expecting it to even perform to the best. It may not be your first choice, but I think we should stick as much possible with natural products which are safer and you can have the results for a long time and without loading your body with the wrong chemicals to be affected in more ways than one.                         

Don't you wish that it would be a way to have a diet specially designed for you? I was dreaming about it for a long time, until the magic happened. Just as researchers understand how genetics determine your height, eye and skin color, they're beginning to understand how your genes affect your ability to lose weight. You cannot believe how happy I was when I found out that they came up with a way to test your genes, so you can have the most precise diet to help yourself with the one which works for you without guessing, it's amazing. I wish that I could let all my friends know about it and that people would have a way to know about it, and I finally found a way to make it possible, for everybody to have a chance to know about it by creating a blog.

                                            Plants = Life

I feel that these days we don't pay enough attention to what we put in our body, we care more about our cars, when to change the oil, what kind of oil, what type of gas we use etc. To have our body function properly, I believe that we should care more what we consume, how we treat our body, if we treat it with respect we are the ones which we are going to benefit of it. We need to include more plants into our body; it's the best way to help ourselves. For me plants = life, to take advantage of what mother nature has for us with the richness of fiber and phytonutrients and taking the help of newest scientific researches done about how we can use nature to energize our body. I know it's not easy to start eating salads and steamed vegetables if you never did it before. That’s why NUTRILITE is making it possible for people to have an easier way to benefit from plants into a concentrated pill form. NUTRILITE has been recognized as the #1 supplement producer for a number of years because nobody can come close to their quality and continued researches done to maximize the possibilities in the most organic and close supervision of their own farms like nobody else has.Helping us to get control of our life and win the battle of aging naturally and living a healthy life-style. If Mr. Toure would have known about this I don't think that he would of chose to go through what he went through and he is not the only one. Lots of people which are competing, practice any other sports or just looking for losing weight for different reasons end-up frustrated and having a hard time of maintaining their weight even risking their health.

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